Marriage is awesome.
I feel like every time I check out Facebook, another couple is getting engaged or just got married and I am so excited for them. There is something about marriage, about the joining of two people, that is so beautiful.
The hubster and I will celebrate one whole year of marriage tomorrow and I am thrilled. That's part of where this post is coming from, I think. Every time I see those recently engaged or newly married couples, my mind floods with all of the things I want to say. I want to encourage them that marriage will be filled with fantastic moments, but warn them that there will also be times of trial. I want to urge them to remember the reasons they fell in love, especially during those trials, and remind them that the best time of life is always right now. When we look forward all of the time, we miss the magnificence of the here and now. And finally, I want to praise the Lord with them. Because perhaps the most beautiful part of marriage, beyond all of the ooey gooey love stuff, is the fact that God miraculously brings together two horrible sinners and enables those two people to live in wonderful harmony together. I am in awe of our Creator.
"Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."
Mark 10:9 NIV
Marriage is awesome.
This makes me happy! Great wisdom sister. Thank you for sharing... God is awesome! Enjoy your anniversary festivities... I love you!