Thursday, May 9, 2013

Made in 'Merica

Hello there y'all! So, first, I started this green smoothie challenge for the month of May. It has been so much fun!! But as part of the challenge, I have realized my desire for a big girl blender. At this place in our lives, however, we simply cannot afford one. To remedy this, I decided to enter every possible giveaway in hopes of winning one. Seems like a great idea, right? Right.

Did you know that Blendtec blenders are made in America? Isn't that awesome? I am all for supporting groups that make their products in America as opposed to outsourcing. So let's take some time and support our local businesses!!

USA Love List

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Bring on Summer

          Ahhhh. Facebook has been reminding me again and again lately about the upcoming end of school. Has it really only been a year since I was in that place - finishing up the last weeks of student teaching and preparing to move 8 states away? It seems like just yesterday. So congratulations to all of y'all finishing school in the coming weeks and months. It's a wonderful feeling!

          On another note, I have been doing quite a bit of crafting as of late. Most recently, I made a little flannel receiving blanket. I had every intention of making the blanket to give away to the first woman I found having a baby girl, but as soon as I finished it, I fell in love. I decided that I was going to save it until we had a baby girl (however long that my take). This was the first non-clothing-item project that I have done, and it was way more fun than I anticipated. Just for reference, I used a pattern by Missouri Star Quilt Company for a self-binding receiving blanket.

Next project - a chevron patterned something made with striped fabric. This will be so much fun!!!!

Hope y'all are having an awesome week!